Our most important insights
come from people
At Positive Brand, market research, strategic planning, creative solutions — they’re all rolled into one seamless, scientific approach. You might call it a package deal. We call it The Framework.
In a Nutshell
Our creative solutions are based on scientific, behavioral marketing principles that seek to understand context, confirm the challenge, create interventions, evaluate options, and test implementations. To accomplish this, we build The Framework for our campaigns.
Creative solutions
with the research baked In
Our proprietary Brand Discovery process represents the industry standard for research driven creative solutions. It begins with primary and secondary research and leads to collaborative creative solutions that have been strategically defined by objective insights into human nature.
The Brand Discovery Process
A review and analysis of the market including brand and competitor advertising and marketing material
Primary research including brand awareness study and customer perceptions and attitudes
Interviews with the brand’s stakeholders and marketing leaders
Cross-reference of hundreds of relevant behavioral marketing studies from our proprietary guidebook
Data analysis of customer behavior by segment over time (using available data provided by the client)
Collaborative in-person Brand Workshop conducted with the brand’s primary stakeholders
Brand strategy and universal message platform development including campaign concepts
Marketing launch plan including brand guide, media strategy and content marketing strategy
Brands we've discovered
We've strengthened each of these brands by building their foundation through our Brand Discovery process.

“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
–Albert Szent-Gyorgyi