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How we launched an all-new brand that does it all.


otFIT has made it their mission to save the world through fitness. From the start, dotFIT science nutrition products have been sold exclusively through fitness centers to gym members by trainers. In their quest to reach more people, dotFIT developed a new science nutrition product. One that would be available to everybody in and out of the gym. A product that was more focused on meeting the daily requirements for nutrition. A product that would help people live healthy lives whether they went to the gym everyday or they simply fought their way through the morning commute. A product that would do it all.

Research and Insights

Originally dubbed All In One, because this new product provides all the vitamins and minerals you need every day in one healthy drink. dotFIT knew launching this product would be a challenge. The product itself was totally different from anything else they had ever produced. They were taking it outside of their usual marketing channels. And they were wanting to appeal to a totally different target market.

Plus, this product was being launched post-Covid, at a time when people’s attitudes and perspectives around fitness centers and personal health and wellness had changed dramatically.

To help them introduce their new product to the marketplace, we conducted a Brand Discovery. It included secondary research on competitive products, people’s attitudes towards health and wellness, and attitudes regarding diet and nutrition. We also conducted extensive primary research with panels from multiple cities in the United States and Canada. We surveyed gym members and non-members and compared the results.

Based on our learnings to that point, we created and tested product names and various brand identities to gain more insights into the values and opinions of our target.

Next, we combined our research together with interviews of dotFIT’s primary brand stakeholders as we prepared for our Brand Workshop. We had learned that our audience was interested in products that would help them achieve their health and wellness goals while compensating for a lifestyle that was increasingly being stretched thinner and thinner.Through this process, we arrived at our key customer focus: the ultimate life hack.

Alln1 SuperBlend Logo Design by Positive Brand

Creative Solution

Our product name is Alln1 SuperBlend. Our creative strategy: Become a Super You. With this direction clearly defined by our research, we began developing a complete brand identity that we applied to every aspect of their marketing program.

Alln1 SuperBlend Package Design by Positive Brand

PRODUCT PACKAGING We have a brand story to tell and it all starts with the packaging. Every customer receives a starter kit with their first order that includes a drum of SuperBlend, a shaker, and an overview of the nutrition that’s packed in every daily dose.

BRAND IDENTITY Based on the research we conducted with gym members, non-members, and trainers, we designed a brand identity for SuperBlend that defines all aspects of the brand, from iconogrpahy and color to campaign messaging and iamgery.

EMAIL We created emails for every customer journey: new customers, lapsed customers, prospects, gym trainers, and gym members.

Alln1 SuperBlend Shopify Website Design by Positive Brand

WEBSITE While the dotFIT website carries a multitude of nutrition products, our Shopify website was designed to be focused entirely on one product, Alln1 SuperBlend. Simple and straightforward, it has been created to help customers make an easy decision.

SOCIAL We’ve made social media a priority and determined that video is an essential part of our strategy. Posts are scheduled three days a week. In addition to organic social, we regularly boost posts to increase our reach. And we recruit micro-influencers to help us spread the word in exchange for free product.

Promoting Alln1 Super Blend in gyms and fitness centers

FITNESS CENTERS dotFIT started their product marketing inside the gyms. And that has proven to be an effective channel for SuperBlend as well. We have installed POS materials inside hundreds of fitness centers across the US.


In just a matter of a few months after launching SuperBlend, this new product became dotFIT’s fastest growing and best selling product of the year. Based on the strength of our research-backed creative approach, dotFIT has expanded their contract with PositiveBrand. In our next phase, we are creating a lifestyle brand for all dotFIT products called “Playspan.” More to come.